To the faithful woman who is feeling stressed, unmotivated, confused and emotional
Begin strengthening your mental health in 20 minutes a day
By using meditation “to pass through to the presence of the Lord”
And receive His ENABLING POWER of peace, energy, connection and healing
Strengthen your mental health by using Revelation Meditations to:
► Have clarity in your thoughts for more peace so you can cope with life’s stresses
â–şReceive divine help to increase energy so you can work productively
â–şCommunicate your needs and desires to connect and improve relationshipsÂ
â–şProcess emotions to create healing so you can have better self-care
This Challenge is now a part of the LDS Mental Health Skills Membership
To be notified when membership opens, enter your name and email address below.
Is your mental health ready for the challenges ahead?
With the gray winter months knocking at your doorstep, your mental health might be vulnerable to the bitter weather and waning daylight. The long cold winter months approaching can often compound what you are already experiencing and can make you vulnerable to slipping into a worse mental health state.
When your mental health struggles:
► Your ability to cope with life’s stressors decreases
► Your desire and motivation to be productive goes down
► Your relationships suffer
► You stop taking care of yourself
Even the our beloved Prophet Russell M. Nelson is empathizing with you "wishing you could don your pajamas, curl up in a ball and ask someone to awaken you when the turmoil is over" all because of the "complexities and challenges that leave many people feeling overwhelmed and exhausted"
And if you’re like most women before they start working with me, then you probably already feel stressed, unmotivated, confused and emotional am I right?
If you’re stuck in that natural man state... which of these applies to you:
After reading that, how much of it applies to you?Â
Now you know why
you are stressed, unmotivated, confused and emotional...
because you are in the Natural Man state.Â

If you’re like most busy women, then chances are, you’re operating from this natural man state and not even knowing it.
But that’s ok! It’s all that you knew how to do...UNTIL NOW!
The Cold hard truth is...Â
if you don’t learn to put off your natural man, you will continue to have chaotic cluttered thoughts that get in the way of Christ helping you to strengthen your mental health.
Show me just one woman that is able to have clarity in her thoughts without the HOLY GHOST.Â
You Can’t!
President Nelson has said that’s because...Â
"Our Father knows that when we are surrounded by uncertainty and fear, what will help us the very most is to hear His Son. Because when we seek to hear—truly hear—His Son, we will be guided to know what to do in any circumstance.”
>>>When you put off the natural man, then you can hear and recognize Him more in your life bringing more clarity and focus.
And one of the "most secret and sacred doors through which we can pass in the presence of the Lord" according to President McKay is MEDITATIONÂ
He also says, "we pay too little attention to the value of meditation"
Think about it, Christ has atoned for everything you have ever experienced, felt or thought. He knows what you NEED IN EVERY MOMENTÂ to Strengthen your Mental Health. Using meditation to pass through to the presence of the Lord helps you to connect and receive from His ENABLING POWER of peace, energy, connection and healing.
AND in the next 30 days with this challenge, I am going to show you EXACTLY how to do that...and it starts with learning REVELATION MEDITATIONS so you can have more peace to cope with life’s stresses, energy to work productively, connect and improve relationships and feel healing to have better self-care.
Revelation Meditations are not your typical meditations that relax you to fall asleep, or clear your mind of thoughts. (You don't want to clear your mind of thoughts, you want to have CLARITY in your THOUGHTS!)
These special type of meditations:
- Shift you into a state where you're receiving from Christ not battling with the natural man.
- Fill your mind with life changing questions that help you align with God,
- Help you understand His guidance
- Connect you with His strength
Often we don’t need more information we just need a new mental vantage point, an eternal perspective. Revelation meditations are what allow you to enter that vantage point where you can be contemplative with your thoughts not arguing and with your thoughts because the Holy Ghost brings clarity. Clarity requires thought and contemplation combined. The natural man state is a reactive emotional state; whereas, your DIVINE SELF receiving revelation from the Savior through the Holy Ghost is a contemplative clear state.Â
Here's what Erin said about doing these Revelation Meditations...
"These meditations helped me find clarity in my next steps and helped me diffuse some anxiousness I was feeling about a pressing deadline so I could just get it done."
See what it's like to go from the Emotional Reactive State to your Contemplative Divine State...

AND here's what will get you over in this Clear Contemplative State...

This Challenge is now a part of the LDS Mental Health Skills Membership
To be notified when membership opens, enter your name and email address below.

See what others have said about these revolutionary Revelation Meditations
...and transform your connection with God! Just like these other’s did
"Niki’s, voice was created for meditation! It’s so soothing. Using these meditations daily as a way to set up a spiritual foundation or prayer routine . I could really help clarify what the Holy Spirit is trying to tell us. These meditations helped me slow down and get in the right mindset to pray."
"Instead of spending my morning going over all the little tasks I need to complete throughout the day, it really recentered my focus on big picture thinking and what really matters. Committing to doing one of these meditations in the morning gives me so much for my whole day. I’m committing to taking a moment to rest my brain to ponder, relax and connect with the spirit. They help me fit in all of those things for a few moments everyday.
"These meditations have given me a deeper way to find time to connect with the Godhead daily. I have felt more peace and calm within myself. I feel it has helped me live a higher and holier way as President Nelson has asked. I have enjoyed the time for self care and connection time with the Godhead. It has helped “remove the pavilion.” I feel more divinely guided day to day for the big and small decisions. I feel more calm and peace within myself. "
"I have been looking for meditations like this for so long. I truly feel like I have received such incredible insights from these meditations that I don’t know if I would have received otherwise I love how there are a variety of lengths so that I can fit them in no matter how much time I have. These meditations have been the perfect addition to my daily routine and have really helped me to connect with God. I am so beyond grateful that you created these! They pair so perfectly with your prayer journal."
President David O. McKay said that,
"Meditation is one of the most secret and sacred doors through with we can pass into the presence of the Lord."
Seems like a pretty important skill to learn and implement frequently right?
But you know what?
Everytime I talk to women about meditation I hear a few responses that usually start with "But what if..."
So I am going to answer your "What if's" here to help you unlock that sacred door into the presence of the Lord
Q.1 Why meditations to help my mental health?
Q.2 Why a challenge
Q.3 What if I’m busy during the challenge days
Q.4 What if I just fall asleep during meditation
Q.5 What if my mind just wanders during meditation
Q.6 What if I just overthink everything
Q.7 What if I’m not receiving the revelation I think I should be receiving
Q.8 What if I’m scared about the revelation I receive
Q.9 What if I don't have time for meditation
Check out which meditations were people's favorite after finishing the course.
Holding on...On Hold...
"I feel like I’m always holding on to fear, which puts my whole forward progress on the covenant path on hold."
" This meditation helped me find clarity in my next steps and helped me diffuse some anxiousness I was feeling about a pressing deadline so I could just get it done."
Message in a Bottle
" I loved this one the most. I felt like I was loved by Him, unconditionally. "
I am Divinely Guided
" This meditation has been one I keep pondering over. It has been a good reminder that I am blessed to be guided in the decisions I make for my family, self, and business."
90th Birthday
" It really put so much into perspective and helped me to see where I am living so true to me and where I could improve. It gave me permission to live my life how I want so I don’t have regrets and also gave permission to celebrate how far I have come! I will definitely be coming back to this meditation often!"
The Power of Gratitude
" I had some clear thoughts come to me about my relationship with one of my children and different things I could do to show her more love, attention and gratitude."
Freedom From...Freedom To...
" This meditation was recently one that I felt opened my understanding to a predicament we find ourselves in right now. The meditation helped me gain new perspective. Even though I don’t have a solution yet, I was able to understand myself a little bit better."
This Challenge is now a part of the LDS Mental Health Skills Membership
To be notified when membership opens, enter your name and email address below.