Episode 24. Three keys to Spiritual Survival

holy ghost peace revelation Aug 02, 2021


Spiritual Survival

President Nelson has talked over and over again about how we need to prepare ourselves so we can survive spiritually in the days to come. 

I have been studying, praying and trying to receive as much revelation as I can to be prepared spiritually for the days ahead. What I have found is there are three ways I have noticed that President Nelson has urged us to prepare spiritually. 

Key # 1 Receiving Personal Revelation

President Nelson has said  “I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation. In coming days, it will not be possible to survive spiritually without the guiding, directing, comforting and constant influence of the Holy Ghost.”

Now that may seem simple enough right? Just listen to the Holy Ghost.  Well in my experience it isn’t as easy as that. 

If your like a lot of the women I work with, they have a hard time recognizing the spirit on a daily basis. They want to recognize the spirit's promptings but wonder if that's their own thoughts or fear talking or they are wanting answers to prayers, but not sure how to find them.

Can you relate with that?

All of those reasons are way more common than you think. Learning to receive daily personal revelation takes practice. I’ll tell you a little more about that practice in just a minute.

Key #2 Daily Spiritual Habits

President Nelson has said, “Daily immersion in the word of God is crucial for spiritual survival, especially in these days of increasing upheaval. As we feast on the words of Christ daily, the words of Christ will tell us how to respond to difficulties we never thought we would face. 

Do you

  • Have a consistent daily spiritual routine?
  • Feel like your schedule makes it hard to have consistent, daily spiritual habits?
  • Keep trying to find the perfect study plan but you can’t so you do nothing? 

You know what? A consistent daily spiritual routine does not have to look perfect or even be the same everyday to be effective. You can have a different routine based on the amount of time you have and still get benefit.

I have different options based on my day and just make sure I get a connection with God in my day. That helps me be more consistent.

Key #3 Solid Relationship with God

President Nelson has said, “We live in a world where the monster waves of death, physical and mental illness, and trials and afflictions of every kind break upon us. Yet, through faith in Jesus Christ and choosing to trust in Him, we too can have light continually, whether above the water or under the water.”

Now in order to trust not only the Savior but the Holy Ghost’s guidance and the plan that our Heavenly Parents have for us we must trust them. Trust to me is about a relationship.

We must get to know each member of the Godhead in order to trust them in their divine roles and what they have to offer you. 

Spiritual Survival Course

Now all three of those keys are a lot right? And if your like a lot of women you’re probably thinking, I already feel constant anxiety that I'm not doing enough spiritually in my life.


That’s exactly why I created my Spiritual Survival Course.

To help busy Latter-Day Saint moms like yourself, develop a daily spiritual routine to confidently recognize the spirit, receive revelation, and enrich their connection with God.

Now before I tell you more about the course let me first tell you what other women have said prior to taking my course.

Raechel said, "I always try to wake up early and do my study first thing in the morning, but it often doesn't happen, which means my study sessions either don't happen or are rushed. When I do happen to wake up early, I have great prayers/study sessions with great insights, but I wish it was more consistent."

Jessica said, "I would get excited and start Monday reading scriptures with my kids, skip Tuesday and Wednesday because mornings were hectic and feel defeated by Thursday haha."

But listen to what happened for them after taking the Spiritual Survival Course

"Niki, I was led to you. Having this outlook is going to help me so much. Your final advice about how rules inhibit revelation locked it in for me that I needed this course. I want everyone to learn this seamless approach. I think it could help so many people!"

"I love how flexible it is! You mentioned that being perfected is about a connection and relationship with the Godhead, rather than to do and check lists - that is freeing! It has provided a structure and some guidance for me to create habits that work for me and help me know how to get into the mindset so I can be open and ready to receive revelation."

In the Spiritual Survival course I have an entire module dedicated to learning how to enrich your relationship with each member of the Godhead.

I also have an entire framework that I give you and an outline to record your prayers, revelations, promptings and a way to know what your Heavenly Parents will is for you.

Here is what Paige said after taking the course

"This course taught me that in order to receive revelation I need to maintain a relationship with each member of the godhead. I learned about my heavenly mother who I never considered before. It is always beneficial to learn new ways to receive revelation and it is important to find a routine to receive it daily."

Jody also said, I" thought my ability to receive revelation was on par, until I started the course and felt so much more sensitive to promptings. Especially what I said, about people, the media I chose, and being intentional."

Also in the course  I teach you various processes to be able to Hear Him in your scriptures.

If you’re a woman who struggling to read the scriptures and hear what God wants you to know, and you’re looking for an easier, more effective strategy that doesn’t take up all your time, I can help 

I have an entire module devoted to getting more out of your study.

Britney said that “Every woman needs this course to help them be more confident in hearing the spirit and find a daily routine that works for them.”

The Spiritual Survival Course is going to open next week to anyone on my waitlist. There is a link in the show notes to get on the waitlist. 

Anyone who is on the waitlist will

  1. Get notified of the course opening
  • A $20 discount on the course. It is regularly $67 and anyone on the waitlist will have the opportunity to purchase the course for $47
  • A bonus hard copy version of my Outline for Seeking Revelation. It will be mailed to you free of charge
  • A bonus video on accessing the Enabling Power of Christ.


Click here to get on the waitlist for my Spiritual Survival Course. 



LDS Mental Health Skills Membership Waitlist


Learn to become a Divine Receiver with Mental Health Skills so you can:

stop wasting time getting distracted and accomplish more in less time to be productive
become a vessel for the Savior to help your struggling loved ones or improve relationships
heal and manage emotions to cope with life's challenges and spend more quality time doing what you love
have Consistent Spiritual Habits that help you discern personal revelation and feel peace in your unchangeable situations


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