Ready to have some help with your overwhelm, guilt and insecurities?

TheĀ Connection Course helps overwhelmed LDS women learn to reduce anxiety, release guilt and inadequacies and access their internal worth and value in a time-efficient and affordable way.


Stop feeling inadequate and start feeling good enough!


If you are here, you are probably:

  • Struggling with so many things in your life that are causing you to feel disconnected (Social Media, busy schedule, comparisons)

  • Comparing yourself to others and not measuring up

  • Often going in 15 different directions trying to do everything for everyone.

  • Last on the list to get taken care of

  • Finding yourself feeling exhausted, disorganized, and overwhelmed

  • Feeling anxious and stressed.

  • Have a looming feeling of inadequacy and feel like you are not good enough

  • Feeling like nothing you do matters.

  • Feeling like you're failing as a mother, wife, ect. 

  • Hearing your inner critic get the best of you and  wonder why you even try.


I know, I have been there. I can help.


Why are you feeling that way?

Connection is a human need we all have and are striving to achieve in different ways in our lives. Connection with who we truly are can help us have clearer focus, increased energy, and more confidence in ourselves.
When we connect with our true self,  we feel satisfaction in our efforts, thoughts of compassion for ourselves when life doesn't go as planned and appreciated even when no one notices our efforts. 

The Connection Course helps you learn Mind Body Bridging Tools in a time efficient and affordable way to:

Be able to prioritize your own needs by quieting your mind and body to feel peace. 

Identify the root of what is causing feelings of guilt and inadequacy in your life.

Learn to interrupt your inner critic and believe you are inherently good enough.

At the end of the Connection Course 


You will be able to:

  • Strengthen your relationship with yourself and your body.

  • Learn how to prioritize your own needs.

  • Learn how to quiet your mind. 

  • Interrupt your inner critic and believe you are inherently good enough.

  • Release guilt and inadequacies.ā€‹

  • Access and feel your own internal worth and value.


What is Mind Body Bridging?


Mind Body Bridging is a set of skills that help you connect with yourself, others and the Godhead. You do not have to have anything "wrong" with you to implement MBB skills into your life. The skills teach you to recognize a Mind Body State (Active Identity System) that is keeping you from accessing your true potential and internal source of worth and value. When this dysfunctional Mind Body State is active you are experiencing the opposition that was placed in you. You might find yourself feeling guilt, insecure, overwhelmed and unappreciated. With MBB you will learn to identify the reasons (requirements) that this Mind Body State becomes active, what happens if you allow it to be in charge and learn to rest that System so you can embrace the opposition for growth.

What others are saying about Mind Body Bridging:



“The ability to put language to the parts of my personality that are the most shameful and own that there’s truly nothing “wrong” with me- my identity system is just turned on- really has helped me to process the emotions that I had bottled up."


“Mind Body Bridging is a powerful tool that gives us the capacity to heal our hearts and minds. Our bodies naturally react to our mentality and this can leave us feeling broken and less valuable.


"The exercises that Niki had us complete proved how connecting our minds and bodies can get rid of mind clutter and body tension. Tuning into all of our senses has almost a magical effect."

TheĀ Connection Course willĀ only beĀ available as part of the LDS Mental Health Skills Membership.Ā 

Join the waitlist to be notified whenĀ registration opens.

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